INTREPID: Transition from Domain to Zonal Network Architecture for Software Defined Vehicles (Workshop)

The Automotive Industry is undergoing a huge transformation ranging from electrification to autonomous driving. The new power train and autonomous functions are impacting the in-vehicle network architecture. Automotive Ethernet is fundamental to these changes to provide much higher bandwidth for data communication.

The classical domain architecture is substituted by zonal architectures with zonal ECU controllers to aggregate compute power and intelligence in fewer ECUs in a central approach. In this transition, the integration of legacy networks gives huge challenges in power management and wake / sleep architecture.

Learn how the Zonal architecture is the enabler to build the software-defined vehicle. What will the audience learn from this presentation:

  • Limitations of the Domain Architecture
  • Reasons and advantages of Zonal Architecture
  • Shift of computing architecture to central high-performance ECU and zonal ECUs
  • Enabling Technology Automotive Ethernet, IEEE protocols, Open Alliance, Autosar
  • How to integrate legacy networks, wake/sleep power management
  • How network E/E architecture impacts the SDV Software Architecture

Please meet us at Booth #21 A/B and visit our 60 minute workshop on both days at 15:00 hrs in meeting room Box 1!